KidsLIFE, grades 1-5
KidsLIFE is a place for kids to make friends, have fun, and grow as followers of Jesus.
Each evening will include an event such as gym night, crafts, or a service project, along with a snack, a Bible story and a little singing.
We meet at the church from 6:00 – 7:30 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from October to April.
For more information contact the church office.
Jr. Youth (Gr. 6-8)
A weeknight program for middle schoolers to grow friendships, explore their faith and questions as they continue discovering who they are and who they are becoming, and have fun while doing so. Includes a combination of active and reflective events, opportunities for local service projects, and a variety of social activities such as bowling, scavenger hunts, outdoor movie nights, and all sorts of games.
Our focus this year is exploring what peace looks like in our world and lives today.
Jr. Youth typically meets twice a month on a Tues, Wed, or Thurs. night, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
For more information or to register, contact the church office or Pastor Sara.
MYF – Mennonite Youth Fellowship (Gr. 9-12+)
A faith-based opportunity for teens to build intentional relationships, ask important (and sometimes complicated) questions about God and life, and participate in fun and energizing activities with other teens and supportive adults. Including activities such as: progressive dinners, service projects, gym/game nights, faith conversations, campfires, overnight events and trips, a variety of social activities, and much more.
Our focus this year is exploring what peace looks like in our world and lives today.
MYF typically meets 2 Friday nights a month from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
For more information or to register, contact the church office or Pastor Sara.
Small Groups (Ages 18 – 99+)
Small groups are an opportunity to get to know individuals in the congregation much deeper and with more intention, all while exploring the Bible, engage in faith conversations together, and pray together, as we strive to live like Jesus.
There are several regular, and ongoing small groups available who welcome new members at any point.
There are also several short-term groups that form to discuss special topics for a few weeks at a time. These groups have included: Anti-racism, Indigenous Relationships, How to have difficult conversations, Death and Living with Grief, and exploring the Enneagram.
In addition, there are a few events throughout the year which foster community building and relationships:
- Annual Women’s Retreat
- Monthly Mennonite Women – sewing and quilting in support of MCC
- Annual Men’s Skiing
- Monthly Men’s Breakfast
- Church Baseball and Hockey teams
- Annual Church Camping weekend at Hidden Acres (all ages welcome!)
For more information contact the church office.
Caring for each other
In addition to many informal ways people in the congregation care for one another and their neighbours, a Care Team along with pastors, coordinate care of those who are quite elderly, seriously ill, recently bereaved, etc. A Compassionate Care Team provides meals and coordinates transportation for those who need such support. Requests for Prayer are communicated by email, weekly bulletin or during worship services.