What to Expect
We hope you feel welcome to join us on Sunday mornings in person and through our live-stream service. Our congregation is made up of all kinds of people at different points on their journey of faith. We believe that Jesus invites imperfect people to follow him and love others, just as he does.
Steinmann Mennonite Church is a mask friendly space. Mask use is optional. Please be respectful of others’ preferences.
If you have questions about our congregation please feel free to call the church office. The Office Manager or a Pastor will be glad to respond to you. There is reserved parking for accessibility located at the front entrance of the church building. If you stop in during the week please come in through the east entrance marked “Main Entrance” which is in the middle of the facility. The church offices are immediately to the left.
For Sunday worship at 9:45 AM, feel free to park anywhere you like and enter through the Main Entrance. Someone will greet you at the door and answer any questions you have. An usher will offer you a bulletin that contains a worship outline and weekly announcements about events in the life of the congregation and community. If you wish, an usher will help you find a seat. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Chat with others or remain anonymous – its – it’s your choice! You’ll see people dressed in t-shirts and blue jeans to dresses, jackets and an occasional tie. Children are welcome in the worship service. In fact, the sanctuary now has a family friendly space which includes tables at the back for kids to sit at, and in the foyer outside the sanctuary there are a variety of quiet activities for the kids to engage with during the service.
Nursery space is also available during the church service. All nursery care providers are screened and experienced so you can be sure you children are left in caring, competent hands. Currently the nursery is not being supervised, parents are asked to remain with their child(ren) while in the nursery.
The worship service is usually just over an hour in length, and you won’t be put on the spot. Following the worship service there is a coffee time where you can meet and talk with people as you wish. From September to mid-June there are children’s youth and adult Sunday School classes following worship where we talk about a range of topics related to our faith.