September 15, 2024 Bulletin

Aging in the Ways of God
September 15, 2024
Gathering to praise….
Call to Worship & Prayer
Hymn: God, Be the Love VT 43
Scripture: Psalm 92:12-15
Hymn: 10,000 Reasons VT 111
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Children’s Time
Hymn: When Memory Fades VT 649
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5
Sermon: Aging God’s Way
…..that transforms us ….
Hymn: We Dream of a Turning VT 209
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Hymn: The Lord Lift You Up VT 832

Leading us in worship:
Prelude/Offertory/Postlude: Grant Movold
Song Leader: Stephen Yantzi
Worship Leader: Joy Wagler
Congregational Prayer: Pastor Sara Erb
Scripture: Christine Helmuth, Jim Steckle
Children’s Time: Ardys Brenneman
Sermon: Pastor Ben Cassels
A/V: Ben Winter, Paul Hammer

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Special/Coin Offering is in support of MCC Relief Kits to be assembled during the Bicentennial Weekend September 20-22. Our goal is to raise $2,024 which would allow us to create 32 kits. We have currently raised $1,762.

Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages:
11:00 – 12 p.m. Children’s Sunday School (Age 2 – Gr. 5), basement
11:15 – 12 p.m. Jr. Youth (Gr. 6-8) & MYF (Gr. 9-12+), basement
Adult Ed., Fireplace Room
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Updates from Vision Focus Team (VFT)
Highlights from September 11 meeting:
 Breakfast club has started up again, donations are still greatly needed, use the memo: Breakfast Club in your donation
 Core Teams Meeting – October 22nd at 7:00 pm
 Discussions were had about all of the exciting events surrounding the upcoming Bicentennial Weekend
 We continue to hear great things about Baden Summer Bible Camp. The Olympic theme was a hit! Their mission project fundraiser for the Onzole River project in Ecuador raised $335. Thank you to the organizers and volunteers for a successful week of ministry

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Bicentennial Celebratory Service – Rooted, Alive and Growing
Our extended worship service will happen in three parts: Past, Present, and Future.
Note: One way to experience the past includes the seating arrangement – women on one side, men on the other side. We invite everyone to join in this arrangement at the beginning of the service as you are comfortable. Opportunity will be given to move to be seated with family and friends for present and future parts of the service.
Scripture: Jeremiah 17:7-8; Psalm 52:8; Revelation 22:2
Speakers: Pastors Sara, Louise, and Ben

Financial Update
Thanks for your generous support toward our Church Spending
Plan (CSP) so far this year. :
Donations Received to end of August: $254,323
CSP Donations Budget to end of August: $416,667
200 Years Capital Campaign: $7,320

This week at Steinmann MC
Sept 16 (Mon) Noon to 4 pm approximately: Line painting in the parking lot. Parking lot will not be available.
Sept 16 (Mon): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Sept 17 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Sept 20 (Fri), 7:00 pm – Hymn Sing: If you need a ride, please call Rick Brenneman at 519-662-2861 to arrange transportation.
Sept 21 (Sat) – 8 am: Bus Tour
11 am: Artifacts and Visual Displays (Fellowship Hall)
12:30: Viewing of “Once Upon a Parable” (Sanctuary)
2 pm: Comforter Knotting (Fireplace Room)
4 pm: Viewing of “Malice in the Palace” (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm: Packing MCC Relief Kits (Hallway)
Sept 22 (Sun) 9:45 am: Extended Worship Service
12 pm: Potluck and Time Capsule

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Sept 19 (Thurs) 7 pm: Youth and Parent Visioning Night, at Joanne Schwartzentruber’s place. Parents invited to join from 7-8pm.
Sept 27 (Fri) 7-10 pm: Family Dinner, location to be determined.

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Sept 25 (Wed) 6:30-8 pm: Gym night at the church.

Small Groups
Sept 26 (Thurs) 10 am: Women’s Bible study in the Fireplace room or via Zoom. We will finish up the book “Let The Light In” by Colin McCartney. Join the discussion even if you do not have the book. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Contact Darlene Gingerich for more information.

We have launched a Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and anticipating upcoming building maintenance costs. Our goal is $350K. Please designate these funds, “200 Years”.

There will be a visual display of our congregation’s history September 20-22. If you have artifacts about our church for display, please speak to Brandon Gingerich. Examples are books, genealogies, clothing, furniture, and photos etc.

Time Capsule: You are invited to submit letters for reading in 50 years. Letters may include messages of hope, stories about yourself or the church/community, etc. Please use 8.5″ x 11” paper. Submissions will be accepted up to Sunday, September 22.

Check out the Schedule at: Hard copies are by the mailboxes (goldenrod coloured paper).

Volunteers needed Sept 20-22. Sign up sheet is by the mailboxes.

Congregational Life
Sept 27-29 (Fri-Sun): Women’s Retreat at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood. Approximate costs are $150 for one night and $250 for two nights. Signup by September 18 on the sheet by the mailboxes. Direct questions to Gladys Bender, Joanne Schwartzentruber, or Sandy Scheerer.

Reminder: If you plan to use a room or area of the church for a meeting, please let the church office know; that information gets passed along to our custodians for cleaning purposes.

There are a few extra backpack tags available on the kids table at the back of the sanctuary – available for anyone.

Joys & Concerns
Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary to Jim & Carolyn Steckle on September 20.

Bob Gingerich’s 82nd birthday is on September 17.

Pray for Terry Tweedle who is hospitalized in Kitchener.

Continue to pray for John Gruhl as he awaits a date for surgery.

Bob Gingerich is now in hospice care at Stratford Hospice. Pray for Bob and Shirley and family in this challenging time.

The LGBTQ+ Discernment and Listening Ad Hoc Committee had their first meeting last Thursday. “We covet the congregation’s prayers for the members of the committee and for the congregation as we seek to follow and discern God’s leading together as a community”.

Community Events
Conrad Grebel Bible Study with Prof Derek Suderman. Thursdays Oct 3 – Nov 7, 7-8:30 pm. More info:

Fall Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres
You are invited to Hidden Acres Camp on October 7th to explore the theme of Falling in Love with Creation – For God so loved the world. What does loving God’s good creation look like? What changes in us when we pay loving attention to creation? Come join us for a day of encouragement, reflection and good food. To register visit