May 26, 2024 Bulletin

Anabaptism: Then & Now
May 26, 2024

Gathering as Community
Call to Worship and Prayer
Hymn: Could it be That God is Singing VT 42
Scripture: Matthew 22:36-39; Matthew 5:43-45
Hymn: The Love of God VT 162
Hearing God’s Word as Community
Story of Dirk Willems
Children’s Time
Hymn-of-the-Month: As the Wind Song Through the Trees VT 373
Scripture: Matthew 18:21-34
Sermon: Radical Forgiveness
Being Community
Hymn: Gentle God, When We are Driven VT 150
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
Going Out as Community
Hymn: Will You Come and Follow Me VT 540

Leading us in Worship:
Accompanist: Susan Seyler
Song Leader: Pastor Louise Wideman
Prelude, Offertory, Postlude: “Sing the Journey” group
Worship Leader: Gladys Bender
Children’s Time: Joy Wagler
Scripture Readers: Simon Carter, Chris Finnie
Sermon: Pastor Ben Cassels
Congregational Prayer: Shirley Kennel
A/V: Steve Kennel, Ben Winter
An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.
May Special/Coin Offering is in support of MCC Relief Sale purchase of supplies for selling cream buns. We have received an anonymous donation to cover the balance needed! Any extra money collected will also support the work of MCC.

Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages:
11:00 – 12 pm Children’s Sunday School (Age 2 – Gr. 5), basement
11:15 – 12 pm Jr. Youth (Gr. 6-8) & MYF (Gr. 9-12+), basement
Adult Ed: Fireplace Rm: May 26, June 2 – LGBTQ+ Conversations
2-4 pm: Open House for Tom and Ruthanne Bender’s 50th wedding anniversary. All are welcome.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Speaker: Pastor Louise Wideman

This week at Steinmann MC
May 27 (Mon): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
May 28 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm: Pickleball

Congregational Life
Pastor Sara is taking two weeks of vacation, returning June 2.

Lynne Dueck, office manager, is now overseeing the financial administration. We will recognize Ashley Drudge on Sunday, June 9 for her role as interim financial administrator.

Karen Lebold has a new address: 412-16 Barrel Yards Blvd. Waterloo, N2L 0C4.

There will be a visitation for Samuel Wiebe, son of John and Helmi, on Saturday, June 1 at Steinmann Mennonite Church from 1:30-4:00 pm. A Celebration of Life will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2-4:30 pm at St. Brigid’s Villa at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, Guelph. (This venue will only hold 60 people and will involve some walking to get to the centre.)

June 5 (Wed) 7 pm: Membership Transfer Meeting. Anyone interested in the possibility of transferring their membership to Steinmann Mennonite Church is invited to come for conversation with the pastors.

Save the Date: June 9 (Sun) 11am-12pm: Congregational Program Meeting. An opportunity to vision together as a congregation, celebrate the ways God has been at work this past year, vote on the slate of volunteers, and hear a few updates.

June 9 (Sun) 2-4 pm: Bicentennial Event: Guided Cemetery Tour.
Former pastor, Fred Lichti will lead a story telling history tour beginning at the St. Agatha Mennonite Church cemetery and ending at the Steinmann Mennonite Church cemetery. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall at the end of the tour. All are welcome.

August 9-11 SMC Camping at Hidden Acres. Signup sheets are by the mailboxes.

August 12-16 (Mon-Fri) mornings: Baden Summer Bible Camp here at Steinmann. We are looking for volunteers for all roles. Please reach out to Courtney Hobbs or email if you are interested and able to help.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
May 31 (Fri) 7-10 pm: Forest Games at the Vandermolens’.

Small Groups
June 5 (Wed) 10 am The Adult Bible Study led by Wes Leis will meet in the fireplace room at the church. Everyone is welcome.

Remember in Prayer
Remember Dorothy Boyle who is receiving care at Grand River Hospital.
Continue to pray for Bob Gingerich who is receiving care at St. Mary’s Hospital.
This week join Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) in prayer for Hiyaw Amalack Evangelical Church.

The New Anabaptist Community Bible is available for pre-order. Sign up on the sheet by the mailboxes for your copy by June 1. The church office will calculate totals and contact those who placed orders with the total due and a due date.
FYI: Bibles will arrive in January 2025.

June 6 (Thurs) 7 pm: Experience history from an Indigenous perspective by participating in a Blanket Exercise at the New Hamburg Community Centre. All people 14 years and older are welcome. Register at

June 10 (Mon) 2-8 pm: Blood Donor Clinic at Steinmann Mennonite Church. Appointments are required. To book an appointment call 1-888-236-6283 or

June 11 (Tues) 5-7 pm: 57th Annual Chicken BBQ & 16th Annual Pie Auction Fundraiser at Hidden Acres: $20 Small meal/$24 Regular meal. Tickets need to be purchased in advance at

100th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Russian Mennonite Refugees to Ontario in 1924: Bus Tour The Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario is hosting a one day Bus Tour to the Niagara Peninsula on June 15, 2024 to commemorate this event. For more details and to register, please go to

Spirituality & Aging Seminar on Friday, June 21 (in-person and virtual) at Conrad Grebel University College. Rev. Dr. Mark Roberts presents “From Problems to Possibilities: Faith Communities enabling those in the third third of life to flourish.” This seminar challenges the narratives about elders in communities, churches, and society at large; exploring the role churches can play in empowering older adults. Visit for registration information.

June 19 (Wed.) 6 pm: Interfaith Counselling Centre 40th Anniversary Gala at Puddicombe Banquet Hall (145 Peel Street, New Hamburg). Formal attire, delicious food, and live musical entertainment. Tickets $140/person ($80 receiptable). For more information