October 13, 2024 Bulletin

Thanksgiving Sunday
October 13, 2024
Singing Our Prayers
Call to Worship
Prayers of Praise
Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth VT 120
Scripture: Revelation 7:9-12 VT 110
Hymn: To God Be the Glory VT 84
Prayers of Gratitude
Children’s Time
Hymn of the month: In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful VT 118
Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 VT 820
Hymn: Now Thank We All Our God VT 114
Prayers Confessing our Faith
Hymn: God of the Bible VT 420
Gift of Music
Prayers for the World
Hymn: Let There Be Light VT 714
Hymn: Beauty for Brokenness VT 712
Prayers for the Church
Hymn: God of Grace and God of Glory VT 716
Hymn: Jesus, Help Us Live in Peace VT 719
Prayers for One Another and Ourselves
Scripture: James 5:13-16 VT 727
Hymn: Open My Eyes VT 732
Congregational Prayer
Hymn: For Those with Whom Our Lives Are Bound VT 734
Prayers of Blessing
Offering & Offertory
Hymn: God, Be with Us VT 613

Leading us in worship:
Prelude/Offertory/Postlude: Grant Movold/Orchestra
Worship Leader/Congregational Prayer: Pastor Louise Wideman
Song Leader: Norma Iutzi
Children’s Time: Pam Carter
A/V: Cliff Kennel, Steve Kennel

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Special/Coin Offering is in support of the Wilmot Family Resource Centre

No Christian Education (Sunday School) today.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture:Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 6:31-45
Speaker: Pastor Sara Erb

This week at Steinmann MC
Oct 14 (Mon): 6:30-9 pm NO Pickleball (Thanksgiving)
Oct 15 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball

While Pastor Ben and Pastor Louise are away this week, please contact Pastor Sara directly for pastoral care.

The Church Office will be closed on Tuesday, October 15 in lieu of the holiday on Thanksgiving Monday.

Congregational Spending Plan Update: Contact the office for information.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Oct 18 (Fri) 7-10 pm – Bible Study and Board Games at the church.
Oct 25 (Fri) 4 pm to 12 am: Canada’s Wonderland!

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Oct 20 (Sun) 10 am – 8 pm – MCEC Jr. Youth Day in Leamington.

KidsLIFE (Grades 1-5)
Oct 16 (Wed) 6-7:30 pm: Game Night

Small Groups
Oct 23 (Wed) 10 am: Adult Bible Study in the Fireplace room, led by Wes Leis. We are continuing our journey through the New Testament. Everyone is welcome. Special Scripture Study for this year will be 2 Timothy 3:16 – 4:1-5.

Oct 24 (Thurs) 10 am: Women’s Bible Study in the Fireplace room. Contact Darlene Gingerich for more information.

Oct 25 (Fri) 5:30 pm: TGIF, a monthly casual gathering of families with children for food and fun, is open to all. Please RSVP to Darryl at ad.drudge@gmail.com so food can be ordered.

Congregational Life
Oct 4 – 17: Pastor Ben will be away for Mennonite Church Canada meetings and then some vacation time.

Pastor Louise is participating in the SMC Bicentennial Bus Trip to Lancaster, PA. The coach, with SMCers and friends, will leave Monday, October 14 and return Friday, October 18.

Oct 17 (Thurs): 9 am – 12 noon Steinmann members are needed to help cut rags at the MCC Material Resources Centre. Thank you for your help.

Oct 18 (Fri) 11 pm: Steinmann Bruins, Church League Hockey Game at Wilmot Rec Centre.

NEW DATE: Sun Oct 20 @ 3 pm. Be Together event. A hike around the Floradale Dam. Talk to Gladys Bender for more information.

Oct 22 (Tues) 7 pm: Core Teams Meeting

Oct 23 (Wed) 7 pm: Church Choir rehearsal for the Christmas season. Most rehearsals will be on Sunday evenings (TBD). This choir will also participate in the Area Mennonite Church Choir Concert on December 1 here at SMC. All are welcome!

Oct 26 (Sat) 2-5 pm in the church kitchen: Please join us for a Be Together applesauce canning event. All are welcome! We will be asking for a small $5 donation to help cover the costs. Please RSVP to Ashley Drudge or Elaine Finnie by October 24th.

Oct 27 (Sun): Please plan to attend a brief congregational meeting in the sanctuary following the worship service to affirm Chris Finnie as Interim VFT Vice Chair, and Helmi Wiebe as VFT Member at Large, along with a few congregational updates.

SMC Cookbook – Everyone is encouraged to send in their favourite recipes for Appetizers, Potlucks, Soups, Snacks, and Desserts (including pie!). The more the merrier! Send recipes to Pastor Sara or Jordan Maddigan by November 3.

Nov 16 (Sat) 9 am-2 pm: Makers Market. Planning for this year’s Makers Market is underway! This year we will be joined by Ten Thousand Villages and The Raw Carrot along with 35+ local artisans. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Ashley Drudge.

Joys & Concerns
Happy Anniversary (58th) to Ron & Judy Gingerich, October 14.

Happy Anniversary (25th) to Chris and Kim Lichti, October 15.

Let us remember Dorothy Boyle who is in hospital at St. Mary’s.

Give thanks that Terry Tweedle is home again following hospitalization.

Remember John Gruhl as he recovers from surgery at home.

Community Events
Oct 18 (Fri): Rockway Mennonite Collegiate Spaghetti Supper School Fundraiser followed by the Alumni Sports Challenge.

Oct 24 (Thurs) 7:30 – 9 pm: “Big Sing” with Mark Miller: a Song Festival of Justice and Joy at St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Cost is $10. You must pre-register at https://bit.ly/3XWDMDo

October 24-25: Sing the Journey Deep. See information on the poster and on the Sing the Circle Deep website: https://bit.ly/3XWDMDo

Oct 27 (Sun) 4 pm: BACH VESPERS for St. Michael and All Angels: Spiritus Ensemble will perform Bach Cantatas 149 and 50 at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, 23 Water Street North, Kitchener. Soloists are Elizabeth Lepock, Daniel Cabena, Bud Roach, and Rich Hrytzak; Kenneth Hull conducting. Admission is free; donations are gratefully received.

Nov 2 (Sat) 6 pm: Puddicombe House. TCMH Presents… An Evening With Darryl Sittler. Get your tickets by Wednesday, October 16. Tickets are $175 each and each ticket purchased receives a $100 tax receipt. For tickets, donations, and more information:https://tcmhomes.com/donate/

Nov 2 (Sat) 7:30 pm: (Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 William St, Waterloo): Menno Singers and The Laurier Singers with Artistic Director Brandon Leis join voices to present music for All Souls’ Day – ‘Love, Loss & Eternity.’ Tickets $25, Child/Student $5 at the door or from choir members.

Nov 17 (Sun) 3 pm: (St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 54 Benton St, Kitchener): Menno Singers hosts its Annual Messiah Sing-Along with soloists and orchestra. Bring a score, sit in parts and join your voices to sing (or come and listen). Admittance by donation.