October 6, 2024 Bulletin

World Communion Sunday
October 6, 2024
Gathering to praise….
Call to Worship
Hymn: What a Fellowship VT 160
Hymn of the Month: In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful VT 118
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Children’s Time
Hymn: The Lord Is My Light VT 437
Praying for the Fears of our World
Scripture: Psalm 27: 1-6
Sermon: “Faith and Fear”
…..who nourishes and sustains….
Hymn: Jesus, Rock of Ages VT 622
Service of Communion
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Hymn: Sent Forth by God’s Blessing VT 812

Leading us in worship:
Prelude/Offertory/Postlude: Susan Seyler
Worship Leader: Rick Brenneman
Song Leader: Nancy Steinmann Yantzi
Children’s Time: Gladys Bender
Sermon: Pastor Louise Wideman
A/V: Cliff Kennel, Mike Gingerich

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Special/Coin Offering is in support of the Waterloo Region Food Bank (www.thefoodbank.ca).

Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages:
11:00 – 12 pm Children’s Sunday School (Age 2 – Gr. 4), basement
11:15 – 12 pm Jr. Youth (Gr. 5-8) & MYF (Gr. 9-12+), basement
Adult Ed.in the Fireplace Room
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Theme: Singing Our Prayers
Worship Leaders: Norma Iutzi, Grant Movold, Orchestra, and Pastor Louise Wideman
Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday and you are encouraged to bring food donations to the service to support the Food Bank. Wilmot Family Resource Centre has experienced an increased demand for food assistance so your generosity is appreciated.

This week at Steinmann MC
Oct 7(Mon): 6:30-9 pm NO Pickleball (Blood Donor Clinic)
Oct 8 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Oct 9 (Wed): 6:30pm Vision Focus Team Meeting

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Oct 18 (Fri) 7-10 pm – Bible Study and Board Games at the church.
Oct 25 (Fri) 4 pm to 12 am: Canada’s Wonderland!

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Oct 10 (Thurs) 6-8 pm – Progressive Supper!
Oct 20 (Sun) 10 am – 8 pm – MCEC Jr. Youth Day in Leamington. Please RSVP to Pastor Sara by Oct 8th so we can register.

KidsLIFE (Grades 1-5)
Oct 16 (Wed) 6-7:30 pm: Meets at the church.

Small Groups
Oct 9 (Wed) 10 am: Adult Bible Study in the Fireplace room, led by Wes Leis. We are continuing our journey through the New Testament. Everyone is welcome. Special Scripture Study for this year will be 2 Timothy 3:16 – 4:1-5.

Oct 10 (Thurs) 10 am: Women’s Bible Study in the Fireplace room. Contact Darlene Gingerich for more information.

Oct 25 (Fri) 5:30 pm: TGIF, a monthly casual gathering of families with children for food and fun, is open to all. Please RSVP to Darryl at ad.drudge@gmail.com so food can be ordered.

Congregational Life
Oct 4 – 17: Pastor Ben will be away for Mennonite Church Canada meetings and then some vacation time.

Please find a copy of the Steinmann Mennonite Church 2024-2025 Information Directory in your mailbox.

Oct 6 (Sun) 3 pm: Be Together event. A hike around the Floradale Dam. Parking at Floradale Mennonite Church. Please see the Caring & Connecting email for details or talk to Gladys Bender.

Oct 22 (Tues) 7 pm: Core Teams Meeting

Oct 27 (Sun): Please plan to attend a brief congregational meeting in the sanctuary following the worship service to affirm Chris Finnie as Interim VFT Vice Chair, and Helmi Wiebe as VFT Member at Large, along with a few congregational updates.

SMC Cookbook – You’re invited to help “wow” people with the delicious tastes of Steinmann Mennonite Church. Everyone is encouraged to submit their favourite recipes for Appetizers, Potlucks, Soups, Snacks, and Desserts (including pie!). Send recipes to Pastor Sara or Jordan Maddigan by November 3.

Joys & Concerns
Happy Birthday to: Dianne Gruhl (80 yrs on October 8); Ron Gingerich (86 yrs on October 13); Dorene Ruby (82 yrs on October 13)

“I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. My two sisters have too much spare time on their hands!” – Keith Wagler

Kenton and Sandi Roth are happy to announce the marriage of Makayla (Roth) & Josh Emrich as well as the birth of a new grandson, Colton James, to Olivia and Kevin Clement.

Let us remember Dorothy Boyle who is in hospital at St. Mary’s

Bob Gingerich continues in hospice care at Stratford Hospice.

Pray for Bob and Shirley and family in this challenging time.

Terry Tweedle has been transferred to Grand River Hospital, Kitchener. Pray for hope and healing for Terry and Elaine.

Let us remember Ray McAllister as he adjusts to his new home: 200 Boullee St. Suite 2, New Hamburg, Ont. N3A 2K4

Remember John Gruhl who is scheduled for surgery on Friday, October 11.

Pray for the MC Canada Joint Council as they meet this weekend in Winnipeg. Pray for this group of individuals from across Canada who care deeply about the church. Pray for Ben Cassels, Yoel Masyawong and Ann L. Schultz as they travel from and represent MCEC.

Community Events
Conrad Grebel Bible Study with Prof Derek Suderman. Thursdays Oct 3 – Nov 7, 7-8:30 pm. More info: https://bit.ly/3X5pJcM

Fall Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres
You are invited to Hidden Acres Camp on October 7th to explore the theme of Falling in Love with Creation – For God so loved the world. To register visit hiddenacres.ca/programs/seniors-retreat.

Oct 24 (Thurs) 7:30 – 9 pm: “Big Sing” with Mark Miller: a Song Festival of Justice and Joy at St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Cost is $10. You must pre-register at https://bit.ly/3XWDMDo
October 24-25: Sing the Journey Deep. See information on the poster and on the Sing the Circle Deep website: https://bit.ly/3XWDMDo

Oct 26 (Sat) 5 pm: House of Friendship Dinner. Anyone interested in going as a Steinmann MC group, please call Gordon Roth 519-662-2056 asap.

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate:
Oct 18 (Fri): Spaghetti Supper School Fundraiser followed by the Alumni Sports Challenge.
Nov 7 (Thurs) 7 – 9 pm: Join us and Discover Rockway at our information night.
Nov 20 (Wed) 7:30 pm on Zoom: Annual General Meeting. Email AGM@rockway.ca to RSVP for the Zoom link. All are welcome.

Menno Youth Ensemble (ages 14-24) Rehearses Wednesday 7-9pm at Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church. For more information or to register, contact our co-directors: Joel Woods (j6woods@uwaterloo.ca) or Chloe Shantz (ckshantz@uwaterloo.ca).

Nov 2 (Sat) 7:30 pm: (Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 William St, Waterloo): Menno Singers and The Laurier Singers with Artistic Director Brandon Leis join voices to present music for All Souls’ Day – ‘Love, Loss & Eternity.’ Tickets $25, Child/Student $5 at the door or from choir members.

Nov 17 (Sun) 3 pm: (St Matthews Lutheran Church, 54 Benton St, Kitchener): Menno Singers hosts its Annual Messiah Sing-Along with soloists and orchestra. Bring a score, sit in parts and join your voices to sing (or come and listen). Admittance by donation.