September 1, 2024 Bulletin

“Sing a New Song”
September 1, 2024
Gathering to praise….
Call to Worship & Prayer
Hymn: Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah VT 95
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-8
Hymn: All Creatures, Worship God Most High VT 81
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Children’s Time
Hymn: Sing a New World into Being VT 809
Scripture: Psalm 96:1-6, 11-13
Sermon: “Sing a New Song”
…..that transforms us ….
Hymn: New Earth, Heavens New VT 377
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Hymn: You Shall Go Out with Joy VT 847

Leading us in worship:
Accompanist: Delphine Schwartzentruber
Song Leader: Suzanne Bender
Worship Leader: Sue Kennel
Congregational Prayer: Shirley Kennel
Scripture: Carol Sararus, Melissa Gingerich
Sermon/Children’s Time: Pastor Ben Cassels
A/V: Mike Gingerich, Steve Kennel

Special/Coin Offering is in support of MCC Relief Kits to be assembled during the Bicentennial Weekend September 20-22. Our goal is to raise $2,024 which would allow us to create 32 kits.

Christian Education for all ages resumes next Sunday with Intergenerational Sunday School at 11:15am
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.
Bicentennial Cemetery Tour, led by Fred Lichti. Meet at St. Agatha Mennonite Church cemetery at 2 pm. The tour will end at Steinmann Mennonite Church cemetery.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Matthew 13:3-9; Jeremiah 17:7-8; James 3:13-18
Speaker: Pastor Louise Wideman

This week at Steinmann MC
Sep 2 (Mon):6:30-9 pm Pickleball CANCELLED due to the Blood Donor Clinic
Sep 3 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Sep 3 (Tues): Church Office is CLOSED in lieu of Labour Day.
Sep 4 (Wed): 9am Mennonite Women. All women are invited to the church to knot comforters and/or quilt. Bring a bag lunch. Drinks are provided.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Sep 1 (Sun) 1pm: Pool Party/Welcoming New Grade 9ers at Dwight & Paulette’s (147 Eby Cr. New Hamburg). Food will be provided.

KidsLIFE snacks: If you are willing to prepare a snack for KidsLIFE (Wednesdays 6-7:30pm beginning October 2) , please add your name to the sign up sheet by the mailboxes.

Small Groups
Sep 11 (Wed) 10am: Adult Bible Study in the Fireplace room, led by Wes Leis. We are continuing our journey through the New Testament. Everyone is welcome. Special Scripture Study for this year will be 2 Timothy 3:16 – 4:1-5.

Congregational Life
Bicentennial Capital Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years: We are launching a Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and in anticipation of upcoming building maintenance costs. Our goal is $350K. Donations to this Capital Campaign should be designated, “200 Years”.

The Planning Committee for the SMC Bicentennial Celebration is planning a visual display of our congregation’s history during the weekend of September 20-22. If you have any artifacts relating to the history of Steinmann Mennonite Church, and are willing to place them on display, please speak to Brandon Gingerich. Examples of artifacts may include books, genealogies, clothing, furniture, pictures or other items.

Check out the Bicentennial schedule at: . Hard copies are available on the table by the mailboxes (goldenrod coloured paper).

Volunteers needed for the Bicentennial Weekend, September 20-22. Sign up sheet is by the mailboxes.

There are still several seats available on the bus tour of the Wilmot Township Amish Settlement planned for September 21.

Sep 27-29 (Fri-Sun): Women’s Retreat at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood. More details to follow. Signup by September 18 on the sheet by the mailboxes. Direct questions to Gladys Bender, Joanne Schwartzentruber, or Sandy Scheerer.

Joys & Concerns
Congratulations on these September 4 Wedding Anniversaries:
David and Ruth Steinmann: 70 yrs
Murray and Muriel Poole: 60 yrs

Pray for Bob Gingerich who remains hospitalized.

We extend our sympathy to Doris and David Martin on the death of brother-in-law John McCreadie August 21. John was married to Doris’ sister, Edith.

We give thanks with Ray McAllister that he was released from hospital and is back home following respiratory challenges. We continue to pray for his healing and well being.

John Gruhl awaits an appointment with a specialist. He and Dianne are home again in New Hamburg.

Thank you to Myron Wagler for providing a bench outside the main entrance at Steinmann MC.