June 30, 2024 Bulletin

Food & Faith
June 30, 2024

Welcomed to the Table

Call to Worship and Prayer
Hymn:  Let’s Walk Together    VT 6

Feasting Together

Table Grace
Hymn-of-the-Month: There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind VT 828
Children’s Time
Hymn-of-the-Month: You are Salt for the Earth VT 297
Scripture:  Mark 6:30-44
Sermon:  Exhausted, Overwhelmed, & Doing It Alone?

Sharing our Lives

Hymn: There’s Enough for All VT 757
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory

Leaving Nourished

Hymn: Go, My Children VT 830

Leading us in worship:
Accompanist: Susan Seyler
Song Leader:  Steve Wagler
Worship Leader / Scripture Reader / Cong. Prayer: Aleah Laverty
Children’s Time / Table Grace: Samantha Wagler
Sermon: Pastor Ben Cassels
A/V: Cliff Kennel, Paul Hammer

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

June Special/Coin Offering is in support of Single Moms Camp at Hidden Acres Camp. For more information: https://bit.ly/3X0j2KG

Pastor Louise will be away on vacation June 24 – July 15. Pastor Sara will be serving at Hidden Acres’ Single Moms’ Camp next week (July 1-5). For pastoral care needs, please contact Pastor Ben.

Christian Education for all ages resumes in September.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
The worship series on Food & Faith continues.
Speaker: Pastor Ben Cassels

This week at Steinmann MC
July 1 (Mon): Pickleball CANCELLED
July 2 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball

Congregational Life
July 2 (Tues): the Church Office will be closed in lieu of Canada Day.

Gift Discernment is compiling a list of volunteers to assist with potlucks (set up and clean up). It will be a rotating schedule. Sign up sheet is by the mailboxes.

Bicentennial Capital Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years: In celebration of our 200th anniversary, we are launching a new Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and in anticipation of upcoming significant building maintenance costs. This will culminate on our Bicentennial Weekend on September 20-22, 2024. Donations to this Capital Campaign should be designated, “200 Years.”

In August, Louise will have been our Worship and Care pastor for two years. A review was completed with feedback from many in the congregation including Core Team members and pastors. Her gifts have been recognized and appreciated. We look forward to Louise continuing her pastoral ministry with Steinmann MC. (PCRC Kim, Doris, and Gladys)

On Saturday July 27, SMC is going to Be Together in Toronto to cheer on the Blue Jays! Tickets are $31 each. GO train is $10 each for a daily pass (children 12 & under ride free). Please let Janessa Otto know by June 30 if you would like to attend and if you are willing to drive directly to the Rogers Centre (to help those with mobility issues).

August 9-11 SMC Camping at Hidden Acres. Signup sheets are by the mailboxes.

September 21 (Sat), 8 am – 12:30 pm  Bicentennial Bus Tour  The morning will begin with breakfast at Schmittsville Restaurant followed by the tour of Wilmot Township Amish Settlement by Dave Neufeld. Please sign up by August 1st on the sheets by the mailboxes. Cost of $60/person is required at the time of signing. For more info, contact Norma Iutzi.

Joys & Concerns
There are three Wedding Anniversaries over 50 years this week. Congratulations to:
Ralph & Caroline Wagler,
June 30, 51 years
Gord & Carol Roth,
July 4, 54 years
David & Susan Seyler,
July 7, 51 years

Verna Schwartzentruber has moved to Freeport for physio/rehab. She invites phone calls. The church office has the phone and room numbers.

Remember Dorothy Boyle who is at Freeport Hospital for rehab.

Bob Gingerich continues receiving care at Freeport Hospital. Bob welcomes visitors and ongoing prayers for next steps.

Please pray for the MCEC community of congregations. This week we pray for KW House Church.

July 1 (Mon.) 2-8 pm: Blood Donor Clinic at SMC.

July 6 (Sat) 10am – 1pm: Strawberry Thanksgiving and Communion. Six Nations Polytechnic, 2160 Fourth Line, Ohsweken, ON. You’re warmly invited to join us for a special event focused on the historic issue of land settlement on Six Nations Haldimand Tract. This gathering presents an opportunity to collectively explore practical ways for the church to engage with these significant issues. Learn more and RSVP at www.mcc.org/strawberry-thanksgiving.

July 7 (Sun) 3:30pm: Oasis Chorale presents a concert of a cappella choral music, ‘Radiant Dawn’ at St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St N, St Jacobs). Oasis Chorale is a 40 voice Anabaptist touring choir – www.oasischorale.org. Free will offering.