July 28, 2024 Bulletin

Food around the world:

A Feast of Stories and Songs

July 28, 2024

Gathering at the table…


Call to Worship & Prayer

Hymn: All People That on Earth Do Dwell    VT 5

Hymn: In the Lord, I’ll Be Ever Thankful VT 118

…. nourished by sacred story…

Table grace

Hymn: Halle, Halle, Hallelujah! VT 752

(children are invited to play instruments)

Scripture:  Psalm 65: 9-13

Stories: “Extending the Table: More than a recipe book”

Hymn: In Christ There Is No East or West VT 390

Congregational Prayer

Offering & Offertory

….and sent forth to live with hope.


Hymn: Sent Forth by God’s Blessing VT 812



Leading us in worship:
Prelude/Offertory/Postlude: Pastor Sara Erb
Worship Leader: Dwight Brenneman
Table Grace: Reta Bender
Stories: Mark Scheerer, Shirley Dunford, Pastor Louise Wideman
Congregational Prayer: Aleah Laverty
A/V: Cliff Kennel, Mike Gingerich

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

July Special/Coin Offering is in support of Interfaith Counselling
https://bit.ly/3XJZ0oj and Shalom Counselling https://bit.ly/3zqlQr1

Christian Education for all ages resumes in September.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is invited to a Bible Study following the church service in the Fireplace Room, led by Aleah Laverty. This is one of Aleah’s goals for her ministry inquiry this summer.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Psalm 139:1-12; Exodus 12:29-42, 13:3, 6, 8-10
Speaker: Pastor Sara Erb

Financial Update
June’s Special/Coin Offering was for Hidden Acres’ Single Moms Camp. Thanks to your generosity, the totals were as follows:

Coin Offering: $679.10
Designated (receiptable): $155.00
Total: $834.10

This week at Steinmann MC
July 29 (Mon): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
July 30 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
July 30 (Tues): 3:15 pm – Bicentennial Meeting in the Fireplace Room

Congregational Life
Pastor Ben will be on vacation from July 15 to August 6.

LGBTQ+ Discernment Ad Hoc: VFT is grateful to those who have agreed to serve on this committee: Ryan Roth, Wes Leis, Pam Carter, Jamie Vincent, Jim Steckle, and Steve Gingerich. We invite your prayers and support for them, along with the pastors, as they begin their work and journey with the congregation. Updates will continue to be shared throughout this process.

Bicentennial Capital Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years: We are launching a new Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and in anticipation of upcoming significant building maintenance costs. Our goal is $350K. Donations to this Capital Campaign should be designated, “200 Years”.

August 9-11: SMC Camping at Hidden Acres. Signup sheets are by the mailboxes. Come for the weekend, just the day on Saturday, Saturday supper, Sunday worship and potluck.

Saturday, September 21, 2024
Bicentennial Coach Bus Tour of Wilmot Township Amish Settlement. Cost is $60 payable to accountant@smchurch.ca with memo “Sept Bus Tour” due when signing up. Questions? Call Norma Iutzi 519-662-1394

Itinerary includes:
8:00 – Board coach at church
8:30 – Breakfast at Schmittsville Restaurant
9:30 – Begin the tour with Dave Neufeld
12:15- Return to church
Please sign up by August 1st on the sheet by the mailboxes.

Joys & Concerns
Congratulations to Len & Delphine Schwartzentruber on their 63rd Wedding Anniversary on July 29.

Happy 93rd Birthday to Elmer Zehr on July 31.

Ron Gingerich will have surgery in Stratford on Monday July 29. Pray for Ron and Judy at this time.

Continue to pray for John Wiebe who is recovering from his second hip replacement. Both John and Helmi appreciate the thoughts and well wishes as John moves forward.

Irene Bender is receiving respite care at Victoria Place in Kitchener. She welcomes calls and visits.

Verna Schwartzentruber has moved to Freeport for physio/rehab.

Dorothy Boyle moved to Nithview Home into a studio apartment this week. Pray for Dorothy as she adjusts to this new home.

Bob Gingerich moved to Cedar Croft Place in Stratford this week. Pray for Bob and Shirley and family during this time of transition.