January 21, 2024 Bulletin

January 21, 2024

Seeking to Experience God


Call to Worship


Jesus be the centre     VT 584

Wonderful Grace of Jesus     VT 170

Listening for God’s Spirit

Encountering a God who can be Trusted

Children’s Time

Ask the Complicated Questions     VT 440

Matthew 11:25-30

Sermon  Rediscovering our Faith and God

Responding to God’s Love

We’ve Come this Far by Faith     VT 599

Offering & Offertory

Congregational Prayer


Praise God from Whom     VT 70


An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages 5 and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Leading us in worship:
Worship Leader: Steve Wagler
Accompanist: Susan Seyler
Prelude/Offering: Sing the Journey Group
Song Leader: Suzanne Bender
Children’s Time: Joanne Schwartzentruber
Sharing: Ashley Drudge
Sermon: Pastor Sara Erb
Congregational Prayer: Joy Wagler
A/V: Cliff Kennel and Paul Hammer

January 2024 Special Offerings are in support of LYNC (Love Your Neighbour Communities), building affordable housing in New Hamburg. For more information or to donate directly, please visit https://lyncommunities.com/donate/

Coffee & tea available in the fellowship hall following the service.

Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages:
11:00 – 12 p.m. Children’s Sunday School (Age 2 – Gr. 5), basement
11:15 – 12 p.m. Jr. Youth (Gr. 6-8) & MYF (Gr. 9-12+), basement

Adult Ed., Fireplace Room

11:00 a.m. Zoom Coffee Time.

1-5  p.m. Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8) Jr. Youth Day at Rockway.

Next Sunday January 28
9:45 a.m. Livestream and in-person worship .
Scripture:   Mark 1:14-20
Speaker:  Pastor Louise Wideman

Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall.  In place of Sunday school, there will be a church history quiz, some colouring     activities for children, and an introduction to plans for the bicentennial year.  A church potluck will follow —  bring food to share (enough for your household plus) and own dishes.  Then get ready for an intergenerational  life-sized Dutch Blitz game.  You won’t want to miss this gathering.

This week at Steinmann MC
Jan. 23 (Tues.) 4 – 5 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Pickleball.

Jan. 23 (Tues.) 6:30 p.m. Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8) Outdoor activities

Jan. 25 (Thur.) 3:30 p.m. Gift Discernment Committee

Jan. 26 (Fri) 5:30 p.m.  TGIF is a monthly casual gathering of families with children for food and fun, and is open to all.  Please RSVP to Darryl at ad.drudge@gmail.com by Wed. January 24th  so food can be ordered.

Jan 26, (Fri.) 7 p.m.. MYF (Grades 9-12+) Bible Study

Congregational Life
Jan. 31 (Wed.) 8 p.m. on Zoom Safe Church Training: Responding to Uncomfortable Situations – an opportunity for input and discussion. Open to everyone in the congregation; those working closely with children, youth, and vulnerable adults are strongly encouraged to attend. Second opportunities to connect via Zoom Thurs. February 22nd, 8 p.m.

Your help is needed. We are looking for a wooden box that is or was stored at the church, with some of the original church dishes (probably not used since before 2008). The box is currently in such a safe place that we cannot find it.  If you have any memory of the box and where it might be please let Dawna in the church office know. Thanks for your help.

To save on snow clearing costs this winter, the lower north parking lot will be closed. Given the ongoing roof project, there will be limited access from the Nafziger entrance.  ~Property Committee

Pastor Sara is seeking your help. Please fill out the sheet in your bulletin on “Meaningful Bible Stories”. Completed sheets can be given to Pastor Sara. Thank you!

Pastor Louise will be out of the office Friday, January 19 – Sunday, January 21.  She is attending the Music and Worship Leaders’ Retreat at Laurelville Retreat Centre, PA.

Pastor Ben is away Saturday January 20 – Sunday January 21.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Jan 26, (Fri.) 7-10 p.m.. Bible Study at the church.
Feb. 1 (Thur.) 8 p.m..  Bible Quizzing Study Night, read Luke 5-8 ahead of time.

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Today, Jan 21 (Sun.) 1-5  p.m. Jr. Youth Day at Rockway.
Jan. 23 (Tues.) 6:30 p.m. Outdoor activities

KidsLIFE (Grades 1-5)
Feb. 7 (Wed.), 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Small Groups
Jan. 25 (Thurs.) 10:00 a.m. – Women’s Bible study group meeting at the church in the Fireplace area. Read chapter 4 of “Let The Light In”. All women are welcome. Contact person – Darlene Gingerich.

Remember in Prayer
Let us remember all who are unhoused in these cold temperatures.

May we find small ways to reach out to persons experiencing loneliness or whose grief is raw.

This week join Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) in prayer for  Elmira Mennonite Church, Elmira, ON.

Jan. 26-27 (Fri.-Sat.) Becoming Good Relatives.  In this one-and-a-half-day retreat sponsored by MCC, author and speaker Patty Krawec will use Anishinaabe teachings to help participants reflect on their social and individual histories in order to improve their capacity to have difficult conversations with others about  Canadian history and current impacts on Indigenous people. If  interested contact Gladys Bender

Jan. 27 (Sat.) 9 -4 p.m. Great Winter Warm-up, comforter-knotting   blitzes at the New Hamburg Material Resources Centre, 65 Heritage Dr,  New Hamburg. Knotters of all skills are welcome and snacks and drinks will be provided. Learn more at mcc.org/events.

Jan. 27 (Sat.) 7p.m. Join Menno Singers and Menno Youth Ensemble for an evening hymnsing – ‘My God is Here: Hymns for Lonely Hearts.’ Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church (57 Stirling Ave. N., Kitchener), There will be a free will offering.

Jan. 30 (Tues) Beyond Housing’s Annual General Meeting – “Going Beyond” at Sprucelawn Apartment for Seniors 33 Front St. St. Jacobs. For more information www.beyondhousing.ca

Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp

  • Free Family Day Open House Mon. Feb. 19th from 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. for more details https://bit.ly/4aSnqQn . RSVP to info@hiddenacres.ca.
  • Summer Camp Registration 2024 opens Thursday, February 1st  at 7 a.m.