February 2, 2025 Bulletin

Steinmann Mennonite Church
Love God, Live Differently
February 2, 2025
Holy Discernment
Gathering to praise….
Welcome & Call to Worship: VT 869
Hymn: Together VT 389
Hymn: Hallelu
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Children’s Time
Hymn: Jesus, Be the Center VT 584
Introduction of Guest Speaker
Scripture: Matthew 18:18-20; Ephesians 2:13-22
Sermon: “The Holy Task of Discernment”
…..that transforms us ….
Hymn of the month: Ask the Complicated Questions VT 440
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Hymn: As You Go Out from Here VT 841

Leading us in worship:
Worship Band: Ben Winter, Elaine Finnie, Darryl Drudge, Joel Godfrey
Worship Leader: Dwight Brenneman
Congregational Prayer: Pastor Louise Wideman
Scripture Reader: Pastor Ben Cassels
Children’s Time: Pastor Sara Erb, Samantha Wagler
Sermon: Pastor Rudy Baergen
A/V: Cliff Kennel

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Special/Coin Offering – Coldest Night of the Year supporting Wilmot Family Resource Centre.

Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages:
11:00 – 12 pm Children’s Sunday School (Age 2 – Gr. 4), basement
11:15 – 12 pm Jr. Youth, basement;
Mass Sunday School: MYF & adults, Fellowship Hall

Guest Speaker, Rudy Baergen (retired MCEC pastor), will preach and lead a session (during Adult Ed. in the Fellowship Hall) on studying the Bible in community, even when we disagree.

The second intentional potluck to strengthen our relationships as a diverse community will happen following Christian Ed.

The SMC Cookbooks are available for purchase by donation today.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Acts 9:36-43
Speaker: Pastor Louise Wideman

This week at Steinmann MC
Feb 3 & 4 (Mon & Tues) 6:30-9 pm: Pickleball

Feb 5 (Wed) 9 am: Morning & afternoon – Mennonite Women: All women are invited to the church to knot comforters and/or quilt. Bring a bag lunch. Drinks provided.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
No Bible Quizzing this week.
Feb 7-9 (Fri – Sun) Overnight Retreat at Hidden Acres
Theme: When God changes everything (Acts 9-12)

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Feb 7-9 (Fri – Sun) Overnight Retreat at Hidden Acres
Theme: When God changes everything (Acts 9-12)

KidsLIFE (Grades 1-4)
Feb 5 (Wed): 6-7:30 pm: Valentine’s Theme

Small Groups
Feb 4 (Tues) 7:30 pm: Book Study on Field Notes for the Wilderness by Sarah Bessey. Meeting every Tuesday in homes. For more information contact Ashley Drudge (ad.drudge@gmail.com) or Janessa Otto (janessaotto@gmail.com).

Feb 13 (Thurs) 10 am: Women’s Bible Study in the Fireplace Room. Contact Darlene Gingerich for more information.

Congregational Life
February is Pastor Appreciation Month at Steinmann Mennonite Church! Your Pastor Congregation Relations Committee (PCRC) would like to take the month of February for us to intentionally show our appreciation to our Pastoral Team – Pastor Sara, Pastor Louise, and Pastor Ben. You can do so by jotting a note in a card, an email, or verbally!
*After the potluck on February 2nd there will be a box by the mailboxes to leave your cards and blank cards you can use if you wish. Thank you for your participation!

Church Hockey League teams are in the playoffs. Info can be found at:

Feb 12 (Wed) 6:30 pm: VFT Meeting

Feb 14 (Fri) Annual Reports Due to Church Office.

Feb 15 (Sat) 6:45 pm: IT’S TIME – To throw a strike, yes, it’s time to bowl! Sign up as an individual or team by the mailboxes.

Feb 22 (Sat): The Steinmann Strollers will be participating again in Coldest Night of the Year. To join the team or donate, visit cnoy.org and search for Steinmann Strollers.

Feb 26 (Wed) 7 pm: Core Team Meeting

Hidden Acres Camp is seeking volunteers who love to paint and would be willing to paint and help refresh some of the much needed common areas. If interested, please speak with Norma Iutzi.

Notice regarding the cemetery: In addition to standard lots, the Columbarium is now open for sales of niches at time of need or as part of your preplanning. Please contact the Church Office Manager, Lynne Dueck, for sales and other cemetery information. Green Burial is not yet available but coming soon.

LGBTQ+ Discernment Save-the-Date:
Mar 1 (Sat) daytime session & Mar 2 (Sun) Worship & Sunday School, Dan Epp-Thiessen (professor at Canadian Mennonite University) will present the Biblical case for “both sides” of the LGBTQ+ conversation.

Joys & Concerns
Please pray for Waterloo North Mennonite Church as they grieve the tragic death of Jennie Wiebe and her daughter, Zoe, in a car accident. We also pray for all MCEC congregations in our community who are facing grief, transitions or other crises, asking for God’s comfort, strength, and peace to surround each situation.

Ray McAllister was released from hospital on January 29 and has returned to Nithview. He appreciates our ongoing prayer support.

John Wiebe had knee replacement surgery on January 29. Pray for him as he recuperates at home.

Lynn Yantzi’s health continues to improve . Let us remember Lynn and Nancy as they rest and recover from a stressful few weeks.

Jeff Carrafiello has been diagnosed with Diffuse large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). He is starting chemotherapy and Immune Treatment. Prayers for healing and hope for Jeff, Deb, Josh, and Justin are appreciated.

Community Events
From Love Your Neighbour Communities: Please thank God that before Christmas we finally received site plan approval for the Millblock attainable housing project in downtown New Hamburg . This allowed application for major grants. However, a major funder, CMHC, requests a new environmental assessment of $45,000 and other documentation. The Prime Minister’s resignation creates a time crunch: all this must happen before March or we face up to 9 months of delay during federal leadership changes. Please pray, give and advocate on behalf of people who need a safe, affordable housing community.

Anabaptism at 500: Commitment to Scripture February 27, 7:00 PM (CST). In person and livestream. Featuring John Roth, Sheila Klassen-Wiebe, Paul Doerksen, and Brian Froese. From 1525 to 2025, Anabaptists have taken a very personal and communityoriented approach to their embrace of the scriptures. This panel conversation will investigate the ways the Bible shaped the 16th century Anabaptist movement at its inception and continues to uniquely define the Anabaptist tradition today. We will also celebrate the Canadian launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible. Livestream link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3NZ3j-YfM

Silver Lake Mennonite Camp (slmc.ca)
Summer Camp: Visit slmc.ca/summer-camp to have a look at the 2025 schedule and to read important registration tips.
Winter and Spring Retreats registration now open. Go to slmc.ca/retreats for more info. Coming up soon: Winter Camp for Grown-Ups (Feb 28-Mar 2) – This “choose your own adventure” weekend is the perfect winter escape and is a collaborative project between PiE (Pastors in Exile) and SLMC.