Bicentennial Events

Steinmann Mennonite Church Bicentennial
Summer/Fall 2024

Sunday September 1, 2 pm Cemetery Tour
Tour begins at St. Agatha Mennonite Church cemetery, ends at Steinmann Mennonite Church cemetery. Led by former SMC Pastor Fred Lichti. Refreshments to follow.

Celebration Weekend – September 20-22, 2024

Friday Night
7 pm Hymn Sing: Music through the years.
SMC sanctuary. Light refreshments to follow.

8 am – 12:30 pm. Bicentennial Bus Tour: (coach bus)
Breakfast at Schmittsville.
Tour of Wilmot Township Amish Settlement with tour guide, David Neufeld.
Sign up by August 15
Cost: $60/person. E-transfers can be sent to
For more info, contact church office.

11 am – 4 pm Bicentennial Artifacts and Visual Displays
in the Fellowship Hall

12:30 – 2 pm Viewing of recorded SMC Musical: sanctuary
Once Upon a Parable (2006)

2 – 4 pm Comforter Knotting, Fireplace Room;
All skill levels welcome.

4 – 5:30 pm Viewing of recorded SMC Musical: sanctuary
Malice in the Palace (2011)

Saturday, Early evening (time to be determined)
Packing MCC Relief Kits at the church
Our goal is to raise $2024 which would allow us to pack up to 32 kits.  Donations can be made to SMC with the designation of “MCC Relief Kits”

9:45 am Extended Worship Service
Children will be dismissed for Sunday School at some point during worship service
12 pm. Potluck & Time Capsule


October 14-18. Bus Tour to Sight and Sound (FULL)

Sunday, December 1, 7:30 pm
Wilmot area Mennonite Christmas Choral Concert held in SMC Fellowship Hall

Bicentennial Fundraising Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years
We are launching a new Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and in anticipation of upcoming significant building maintenance costs. This campaign will culminate on our Bicentennial Weekend. Our goal is $350K. Donations to this Capital Campaign should be designated, “200 Years”