February 16, 2025 Bulletin

February 16, 2025
Gathering to praise….
Call to Worship VT 866
Hymn: Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing VT 7
Scripture: Acts 10:1-17 (selections)
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Children’s Time
Hymn-of-the-month: Ask the Complicated Questions VT 440
Scripture: Acts 10:23-48 (selections)
Hymn: We Are People of God’s Peace VT 797
Scripture: Acts 11:19-24
…..that transforms us ….
Hymn: New Earth, Heavens New VT 377
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Hymn: Sing a New World into Being VT 809

Leading us in worship:
Accompanist: Delphine Schwartzentruber
Song Leader: Stephen Yantzi
Worship Leader: Ryan Roth
Congregational Prayer: Shirley Kennel
Scripture Readers: Andrea Kennel, Helen Boshart, Jim Steckle
Children’s Time: Paulette West
Sermon: Pastor Ben Cassels
A/V: Ben Winter, Mike Gingerich

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

Special/Coin Offering – Coldest Night of the Year supporting Wilmot Family Resource Centre.

You generously gave $517.95 to GiZhawenimin through January’s Special/coin Offering.

No Christian Education (Sunday School) for all ages
Open House from 2:30 – 4 pm: The Steinmann MC Refugee Committee invites you to celebrate Saeed Maarawi and family being in Canada for 8 years! Come and share your friendship with the family and enjoy some tea and treats, no gifts please! See you then!

Pastor Sara is at Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite Church this morning, leading part two of a two-part series on Faith and Trauma.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Acts 10-11
Speaker: Pastor Sara Erb
11:15 am: Intergenerational Sunday School

This week at Steinmann MC
Feb 17 & 18 (Mon & Tues) 6:30-9 pm: Pickleball

Feb 18 (Tues): Office is closed in lieu of Family Day.

Pastor Louise will be attending Pastors and Leaders Conference at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary February 17-20. She will then take a few vacation days and be back in the church office Tuesday, February 25

Feb 22 (Sat): The Steinmann Strollers will be participating in Coldest Night of the Year. To join the team or donate, visit cnoy.org and search for Steinmann Strollers.

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Feb 20 (Thurs) 7 pm: Bible Quizzing
Feb 28 (Fri) 7 pm: Chili Prep

Jr. Youth (Grades 5-8)
Mar 2 (Sun): Chili Fundraiser Lunch, bring toppings for sundaes.

KidsLIFE (Grades 1-4)
Feb 19 (Wed): 6-7:30 pm: “Airplane Ride” with retired pilot, Mark Schwartzentruber

Small Groups
Feb 21 (Fri) 5:30 pm: TGIF A gathering of young families for a meal that you don’t have to make or plan! If interested, RSVP to darryl.drudge@gmail.com by the Wednesday prior

Feb 27 (Thurs) 10 am: Women’s Bible Study in the Fireplace Room. Contact Darlene Gingerich for more information.

Congregational Life
February is Pastor Appreciation Month at Steinmann Mennonite Church! Your Pastor Congregation Relations Committee (PCRC) would like to take the month of February for us to intentionally show our appreciation to our Pastoral Team – Pastor Sara, Pastor Louise and Pastor Ben. You can do so by jotting a note in a card, an email or verbally! All ages are encouraged to participate! There is a box (covered with butterflies) by the mailboxes to deposit your cards and there are cards you can use as well (or you can use your own)! Thank you for your participation!

Feb 20 (Thurs): 9 am – 12 noon Steinmann members are needed to help cut rags at the MCC Material Resources Centre. Thank you for your help.

Feb 26 (Wed) 7 pm: Core Team Meeting

LGBTQ+ Discernment Save-the-Date: Mar 1 (Sat) daytime session & Mar 2 (Sun) Worship & Sunday School, Dan Epp-Tiessen (professor at Canadian Mennonite University) will present the Biblical case for “both sides” of the LGBTQ+ conversation.

Mar 5 (Wed) 7 pm: Ash Wednesday Service – a service of prayer, scripture, and song. Opportunity will be given for imposition of ashes. All are welcome.

Joys & Concerns
I have placed a copy of my mom’s memoir in our church library. It is titled “Grace Kathleen Holst A Life Well-Lived and Well-Loved” Thank you to all of you for being such an important part of my faith journey. ~Shirley Kennel

Thank you from Gi Zhawenimin. The staff and youth of the Wraparound services for Indigenous Youth in Transition are grateful for the many items and activities that were collected. The staff goal is to break the cycle of loneliness by creating lifelong extensions to the family circle. Our contributions were a form of action or one more step towards reconciliation.

Pray for Ralph Gingerich & family as they grieve the unexpected death of Darryl Gingerich. Rick & Doreen are Darryl’s parents.

Remember in prayer Laverne Gingerich as he receives care at Grand River Hospital.

Let us continue to pray for healing and hope for Ray McAllister, John Wiebe, Jeff Carrafiello, and Lynn Yantzi as they rest and recuperate in their homes.

Community Events
From Love Your Neighbour Communities: Before Christmas we received site plan approval for the Millblock attainable housing project in downtown New Hamburg . This allowed application for major grants. However, a major funder, CMHC, requests a new environmental assessment of $45,000 and other documentation. Pray, give, and advocate on behalf of people who need a safe, affordable housing community.

Hidden Acres Camp is seeking volunteers who love to paint and would be willing to paint and help refresh some of the much needed common areas. If interested, please speak with Norma Iutzi.

Silver Lake Mennonite Camp (slmc.ca)
Summer Camp: Visit slmc.ca/summer-camp to have a look at the 2025 schedule and to read important registration tips.
Winter and Spring Retreats registration now open. Go to slmc.ca/retreats for more info. Coming up soon: Winter Camp for Grown-Ups (Feb 28-Mar 2) – This “choose your own adventure” weekend is the perfect winter escape and is a collaborative project between PiE (Pastors in Exile) and SLMC.

Wilmot Ecumenical Lenten Lunches 2025
The season of Lent is quickly approaching. Together, the churches of the Wilmot Ecumenical Ministerial invite you to join in weekly gatherings at noon for a light meal and a short devotional/time of corporate worship.
Plan to arrive each week ready for a 12 noon beginning. There is no set fee for the meal but donations to cover costs will be received each week. We trust that our relationships as an ecumenical community will be strengthened as we meet together. All are welcome.
March 5 – Zion United Church (Ash Wednesday)
215 Peel St., New Hamburg Phone: 519.662.1182
March 12 – Hillcrest Mennonite Church
1056 Huron St., New Hamburg Phone: 519.662.1577
March 19 — Wilmot Centre Church
2463 Bleams Road, Petersburg Phone: 519.634.8687
March 26 – Shantz Mennonite Church
2473 Erbs Road, Baden Phone: 519.634.8712
April 2 — Trinity Lutheran Church & St. George’s Anglican
23 Church St., New Hamburg Phone: 519.662.1810
April 9 – Mannheim Mennonite
1494 Bleams Road, Petersburg Phone: 519.634.5551
April 16 – Steinmann Mennonite Church
1316 Snyder’s Road W. Baden Phone: 519.634.8311