August 25, 2024 Bulletin

The Journey of Being Rooted in God’s Love
August 25, 2024
Gathering to worship to be….
Call to Worship
Hymn: Come Let Us All Unite to Sing VT 7
…reminded of God’s love for us …
Hymn: The Love of God VT 162
Scripture: Mark 12:28-31
Children’s Song: Jesus Loves Me VT 516
Sermon: The Journey of Being Rooted in God’s Love
…..and our call to love others as ourselves.
Song of Response: Spirit, Open My Heart VT 636
Receiving of New Members
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory
Prayer of Blessing for Summer Ministry Intern
Sending Song: God. Be the Love VT 43

Leading us in worship:
Violins: Broden Cressman, Briella Cressman, Leah Finnie, Henry Vosters, Elaine Finnie
Piano: Caleb Finnie, Jannalynn Cressman
Worship Leader/Congregational Prayer: Darryl Drudge
Song Leader: Nancy Steinmann Yantzi
Sermon: Aleah Laverty
New Members: Janet Day, Stu Day, Aleah Laverty, Sue Laverty
A/V: Steve Kennel, Mike Gingerich

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

August Special/Coin Offering is in support of MCC Relief Kits to be assembled during the Bicentennial Weekend September 20-22. Our goal is to raise $2,024 which would allow us to create 32 kits.

Christian Education for all ages resumes in September.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Psalm 96 and Psalm 98
Speaker: Pastor Ben Cassels

This week at Steinmann MC
Aug 26 (Mon):6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Aug 27 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Sep 1 (Sun) 1pm: Pool Party/Welcoming New Grade 9ers at Dwight & Paulette’s (147 Eby Cr. New Hamburg). Food will be provided.

Congregational Life
Pastor Sara will be away August 13-28.
Bicentennial Capital Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years: We are launching a new Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the future and in anticipation of upcoming significant building maintenance costs. Our goal is $350K. Donations to this Capital Campaign should be designated, “200 Years”.

The Planning Committee for the SMC Bicentennial Celebration is planning a visual display of our congregation’s history during the weekend of September 20-22. If you have any artifacts relating to the history of Steinmann Mennonite Church, and are willing to place them on display, please speak to Brandon Gingerich. Examples of artifacts may include books, genealogies, clothing, furniture, pictures or other items.

Check out the Bicentennial schedule at: Hard copies are available on the table by the mailboxes (goldenrod coloured paper)

KidsLIFE snacks: If you are willing to prepare a snack for KidsLIFE (Wednesdays 6-7:30pm beginning October 2) , please add your name to the sign up sheet by the mailboxes.

Joys & Concerns
Pray for the family of Viola Dorsch as they remember her life. Viola died August 16. Her memorial service was August 24.
Verna Schwartzentruber was moved to Freeport’s transitional floor on August 12. She will be on Pioneer Terrace (3rd floor) Rm 312 Bed 2 Verna continues to enjoy visits and phone calls.
This week, Bob Gingerich was admitted to the Stratford Hospital due to pneumonia. Pray for Bob, Shirley and family at this challenging time.

We extend our sympathy to Doris and David Martin on the death of brother-in-law John McCreadie August 21. John was married to Doris’ sister, Edith. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Pray for Ray McAllister who was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital on August 22 due to difficulty breathing.
Remember John Gruhl who is hospitalized in Parry Sound with a large kidney stone. John & Dianne appreciate our prayer support.

Community Connections
Saengerfest: A Centenary Mennonite Song Festival will be held today, August 25 at 3 pm St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Kitchener.
This gathering will commemorate the century of the 1920s when Mennonite immigration to Ontario from settlements in present day Russia and Ukraine