August 18, 2024 Bulletin

Steinmann Mennonite Church
Love God, Live Differently
Ontario Mennonite Music Camp
August 18, 2024
Gathering to praise….
Call to Worship VT 866
Song of Invitation: Open the Eyes of My Heart VT 401
…to listen for God’s Spirit….
Introduction to Readers’ Theatre
Prayer for Illumination VT 911
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-16; 97-105; 145-152
Readers’ Theatre: “Scriptural Sweep” Part 1
Song of Thanksgiving: For the Beauty of the Earth VT 120
Readers’ Theatre: “Scriptural Sweep” Part 2
Song of Confession: Touch the Earth Lightly VT 145
Readers’ Theatre: “Scriptural Sweep” Part 3
Song of Return: Somlandela (We Will Follow) VT 566
Readers’ Theatre: “Scriptural Sweep” Part 4
…..that transforms us ….
Song of Response: God of the Bible VT 420
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory: At the Table of the Lord by Jay Althouse
….and sends us forth as bearers of God’s love.
Sending Song: We, Your People, Sing Your Praises VT 849

Readers’ Theatre by Carol Penner (Canada) 2011. Creative
Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY4.0)

Leading us in worship:
Worship Leader, Congregational Prayer: Gladys Bender
Musicians, Scripture readers; Readers’ Theatre: OMMC
A/V: Steve Kennel, Steve Carter

Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC) is giving leadership to
our worship service. OMMC is a summer camp for students who
have finished grade 6 to grade 12. The annual camp runs for two
weeks at Conrad Grebel University College under the direction of
Emily Rempel, Mykayla Turner, and their team of six staff.

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms
for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise
their children while in the nursery.

August Special/Coin Offering is in support of MCC Relief Kits to
be assembled during the Bicentennial Weekend September 20-22.
Our goal is to raise $2,024 which would allow us to create 32 kits.

Christian Education for all ages resumes September 8.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.
2 pm: Bicentennial Cemetery Tour led by former Steinmann MC
pastor Fred Lichti. Meet at St. Agatha Mennonite Church cemetery
at 2 pm. The tour will end at Steinmann MC cemetery.

Next Sunday
9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Mark 2:28-31
Speaker: Aleah Laverty, Summer Ministry Intern

This week at Steinmann MC
Aug 19 (Mon): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball
Aug 20 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball

MYF (Grades 9-12+)
Sep 1 (Sun) 1pm: Pool Party/Welcoming New Grade 9ers at Dwight
& Paulette’s (147 Eby Cr. New Hamburg). Food will be provided.

Congregational Life
Pastor Sara will be on vacation from August 13-28.
Office Manager, Lynne, will be on vacation August 20-23.
Pastor Ben Cassels will be away this weekend, August 17-18 for
his quarterly weekend off.
Emails have gone out from the church office with a high level
breakdown of receiptable givings for the current calendar year to the
end of July. Please let Lynne know if you did not receive your email
or if you notice any errors. Those without email addresses will
receive their letter in the mail.
Last Call for September 21 Coach tour of Wilmot Township Amish
Settlement. Information and signup sheets are by the mailboxes.
Deadline is Wednesday, August 24.
Aug 24 (Sat) 1-4pm: The next BE Together event is a Pool Party at
Jessie & Brandon Gingerich’s home (206 Lennox Cres., Kitchener).
All are welcome. Please bring lawn chairs, swimsuits & towels, and
snacks to share. No sign-up is required.
Bicentennial Capital Campaign: Celebrating 200 Years: We are
launching a new Capital Campaign to lay a solid foundation for the
future and in anticipation of upcoming significant building
maintenance costs. Our goal is $350K. Donations to this Capital
Campaign should be designated, “200 Years”.
The Planning Committee for the SMC Bicentennial Celebration is
planning a visual display of our congregation’s history during the
weekend of September 20-22. If you have any artifacts relating to the
history of Steinmann Mennonite Church, and are willing to place
them on display, please speak to Brandon Gingerich. Examples of
artifacts may include books, genealogies, clothing, furniture,
pictures or other items.

Check out the Bicentennial schedule at: Hard copies are available on the table by the mailboxes (goldenrod coloured paper)

Joys & Concerns
On August 21, Verna Schwartzentruber turns 99!
There are two birthdays on August 23: Ruth Steinmann turns 90 and
Irene Jutzi turns 80.
Happy birthday Verna, Ruth, and Irene!
Viola Dorsch began receiving end of life care on August 12. Pray
for her and her family in this time of transition.
Verna Schwartzentruber was moved to Freeport’s transitional floor
on August 12. She will be on Pioneer Terrace (3rd floor) Rm 312
Bed 2 Verna continues to enjoy visits and phone calls.