June 23, 2024 Bulletin

Food & Faith
June 23, 2024
Gathering as one people….

Call to Worship
Hymn: Brethren, We Have Met to Worship  VT 25
Scripture: Psalm 23:5-6; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:8-10
Hymn: Let’s Walk Together VT 6

…to feast at God’s table….

Children’s Time
Hymn:  Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands VT 485
Table Grace
Scripture:  Genesis 18: 1-15
Sermon:  Extending the Table

…..that nourishes us ….

Hymn:  Christ Has No Body Here but Ours VT 568
Blessing for Summer Ministry Inquiry Student, Aleah Laverty
Congregational Prayer
Offering & Offertory

….and sends us forth to be bearers of God’s hope.

Hymn of the month: There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind VT 828

Leading us in worship:

Prelude/Offertory/Postlude: Lorie Yantzi
Song Leader:  Nancy Steinmann Yantzi
Worship Leader / Congregational Prayer: Ryan Roth
Children’s Time:  Suzanne Bender
Table Grace:  Marianne Schlegel
Scripture:  Steve Carter
Sermon: Pastor Louise Wideman
A/V:  Ben Winter, Paul Hammer

An unsupervised nursery is available across from the washrooms for children ages five and under. Parents are expected to supervise their children while in the nursery.

June Special/Coin Offering is in support of Single Moms Camp at Hidden Acres Camp. For more information: https://bit.ly/3X0j2KG

Pastor Louise will be away on vacation June 24 – July 15. For pastoral care needs, please contact Pastor Sara or Pastor Ben.


Christian Education for all ages resumes in September.
Coffee Time following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Sunday

9:45 am Livestream and in-person worship
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44
Speaker: Pastor Ben

 MYF (Grades 9-12+)

June 27 (Thurs): 12pm Baptism Class and lunch.

This week at Steinmann MC

June 24 (Mon): 6:30-9pm Pickleball
June 25 (Tues): 6:30-9 pm Pickleball

Congregational Life

Gift Discernment is compiling a list of volunteers to assist with potlucks (set up and clean up). It will be a rotating schedule. Sign up sheet is by the mailboxes.

September 21 (Sat), 8 am – 12:30 pm  Bicentennial Bus Tour  The morning will begin with breakfast at Schmittsville Restaurant followed by the tour of Wilmot Township Amish Settlement by Dave Neufeld. Please sign up by August 1st on the sheets by the mailboxes. Cost of $60/person is required at the time of signing. For more info, contact Norma Iutzi.

BE Together is a new monthly intergenerational fellowship opportunity to build BELONGING in our church and community. The first event is a Blue Jays game on Saturday, July 27. Please sign-up by June 30 on the sheet near the mailboxes or speak with Janessa Otto. We welcome many from the church to plan and host a monthly event. If interested, please speak with any of the coordinators: Joy Wagler, Janessa Otto, and Pastor Ben.

August 9-11 SMC Camping at Hidden Acres. Signup sheets are by the mailboxes.

Joys & Concerns

We extend our sympathy to Joy and Myron Wagler as they grieve the death of Joy’s dad, Merle Shantz. Visitation will be held at Listowel Evangelical Missionary Church on
Monday, June 24 from 2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm. Celebration of Merle’s life will also be held at the church on Tuesday at 11 am, with reception to follow.

From Larry and Pat Wagler: To our Church Community: We want to let you know, at Larry’s last appointment in London, we were told the Melanoma spots in his lungs and brain have not grown. There will be no more treatments at this point. We are grateful for this. As with Immunotherapy treatments, there can be ongoing side effects that will be cared for as they appear. There will be regular CT scans and MRI to monitor. This continues to be a difficult time of uncertainty and adjustment. We are so grateful for your continued care and support; calls, emails, prayers and dropping off food.

Harold Martin is turning 84 years old on June 25. Happy Birthday!

Albert & Sheryl Crabbe’s 50th Wedding Anniversary is on June 29.

Ralph & Caroline Wagler’s 51st Wedding Anniversary is on June 30.

Verna Schwartzentruber is recuperating at Grand River Hospital following hip surgery. Let us remember Verna.

Remember Dorothy Boyle who is at Freeport Hospital for rehab.

Bob Gingerich continues receiving care at Freeport Hospital. Bob welcomes visitors and ongoing prayers for next steps.


July 7 (Sun) 3:30pm: Oasis Chorale presents a concert of a cappella choral music, ‘Radiant Dawn’ at St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St N, St Jacobs). Oasis Chorale is a 40 voice Anabaptist touring choir – www.oasischorale.org. Free will offering.

Mennonite World Conference invites you to an evening of fellowship, BBQ, and testimonies. July 22, 2024 from 5-7pm at Wanner Mennonite Church. RSVP by July 12. Information is on the poster on the bulletin board.